Main Office Number: 978-342-5222
Press 3 for Work Orders
Fax Phone Number: 978-343-4148

Fitchburg Housing Authority

Main Offices at 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420

Main Office Business Hours:
Monday to Friday 9 am to 3 pm
Main Office Number: 978-342-5222
Press 3 for Work Orders
Fax Phone Number: 978-343-4148

Fitchburg Housing Authority

Main Offices at 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420

Main Office Business Hours:
Monday to Friday 9 am to 3 pm

Section 8/MRVP/AHVP Applicants

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Fitchburg Housing Authority administers the federally funded (HUD) Section 8, or the Housing Choice Voucher Program which provides housing assistance to low-income renters and homeowners. Participants in this program rent private apartments in the community and receive financial assistance from the Voucher Program to pay a portion of the rent. They may have to pay for some utilities. Citizenship status applies.

Payment Standards

Rental Payment Standards for Section 8 Voucher holder allowed in Fitchburg Effective 10/1/2023
Utility Allowance Schedule for Section 8 participants Effective 10/1/2023

How to Apply for the Section 8 Voucher Program

Applications and information about eligibility guidelines and waiting lists may be obtained from the main administrative office located at 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420. Completed Section 8 applications must be returned to the Leased Housing Department located at 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420. If you are disabled and need some assistance in completing applications for housing, or need some other accommodations in the application process, please tell us. Rent is calculated at 30-40% of monthly income for the Section 8 Voucher Program. Annual income is the sum of all income including wages, Social Security, pensions, interest and dividend payments, etc. Deductions such as medical and childcare expenses may be allowed. Applications may also be downloaded from the link below.

Information about the Section 8 Pre-Application
Section 8 Pre-Application
Download an application through the Massachusetts Section 8 Centralized Waitlist. This resource includes applications in other languages, additional application information and forms.
MRVP Application


The Fitchburg Housing Authority will be accepting applications for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP). AHVP is a state mobile voucher subsidy for households with at least one member who is both under the age of 60 and disabled. All AHVP vouchers are one bedroom, except by reasonable accommodation. A lottery system will be used for the purpose of the initial acceptance of applications to be placed on the FHA’s waiting list.

The income limits for AHVP are: 1-person household: $47,850 and 2-person household: $54,650

Apply online on CHAMP at between Tuesday 2/16/21 and Friday 3/5/21.

Print out a paper copy or view the AVHP Application (English)
Print out a paper copy or view the AHVP Application (Spanish)

AHVP Application Opening AD

Rental Listing Information is the largest rental-listing service for the Section 8 housing market. They service families, landlords and public-housing agencies across the United States. They provide free information about current housing options under HUD’s Section 8 Housing Voucher (Section 8) Program in every market in the country.

Section 8 Voucher Holder Residents

Section 8 Participants

The Housing Authority offers subsidies through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP). HCVP is a federally funded rental assistance program designed to help low income families, senior citizens, and people with disabilities afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing. The program provides subsidies to qualified households for use in private housing in the community of their choice. Under the Section 8 Program, households initially pay 30%-40% of their gross income towards the rent plus utilities and the Federal Government pays the difference between that amount and the approved contract rent amount.

Finding Apartment and Rental Properties

Apartment and rental property listings at an FHA partner

Section 8 Office Hours

Fitchburg Housing Authority, 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, MA
For telephone inquiries: (978) 342-5222 extension 161
Monday through Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm

Walk In Hours and Policy

Tuesday 9:00am – 12:00pm
Wednesday 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Although the Leased Housing Department holds walk-in hours, it is usually better for you to contact your caseworker to set up an appointment. All requests (copies of any documents from your file) will need to be made in writing and you will receive a response in 3 business days. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Application Status

Section 8

If you have already applied you can view your wait list position here. Once you arrive at the Affordable Housing website, you must create an account or sign in and follow the instructions to view your wait list status.

Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP)

Apply online on CHAMP at

If you prefer, paper applications are available between the hours of 9:00am – 3:00pm Monday through Friday at the FHA’s main offices at 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420. You may also obtain an application by mail by calling 978-342-5222 or emailing Applications can be downloaded as shown below. To request a reasonable accommodation or language assistance, please contact Yajaira Aldrich, Director of Application and Customer Services at 978-342-5222 (Ext. 105) or

All applications will be placed on the FHA’s CHAMP wait list by priority and preference in accordance with date and time of their receipt.

Print out a paper copy or view the AVHP Application (English)
Print out a paper copy or view the AHVP Application (Spanish)

How it Works:
  • A program participant will pay rent in an amount equal to either 25% or 30% of the household’s monthly net income to the landlord.
  • The percentage charged depends on whether utilities are included or not included in the rent.
  • The local administering agency will provide rental assistance payments to the landlord on behalf of the program participant for the remainder of the monthly rental amount.
Who is Eligible:
  • Applicants who are non-elderly (less than 60 years age), with a disability, of low-income, and who are eligible and qualified for the c. 667 elderly/handicapped housing program.

For additional information about the AHVP visit:
Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) |

Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP)

The Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), tenant-based voucher, also known as Mobile, is assigned to the Participant and is valid for any housing unit that meets the standards of the state sanitary code. A regional non-profit housing agency or a local housing authority administers the program locally. There are currently 8 regional non-profit housing agencies and 112 local housing authorities that administer the MRVP throughout the Commonwealth.

DHCD's Division of Public Housing and Rental Assistance, which administers this program, has the responsibility for regulatory and administrative oversight of all state public housing programs which address the needs of low-income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities.

MRVP Frequently Asked Questions

How it works:

For the Mobile component (tenant-based program), the state subsidy or voucher value is a set amount. This amount is determined by several factors: the tenant's income, household size and geography. The participant pays the difference between the value of the voucher and what the landlord charges for rent.

Who is eligible?

An applicant whose household income does not exceed 80% of Area Median Income. The local housing agency will also screen for CORI prior to admitting an applicant to the program.

DHCD Income Limits for Fitchburg:
1 person -$47,850 2 person - $54,650
3 person - $61,500 4 person - $68,300
5 person - $73,800 6 person - $79,250
7 person - $84,700 8 person - $90,200
DHCD Maximum Rents for Fitchburg:
SRO - $606 Studio - $807
1BR - $812 2BR - $1,070
3BR - $1,346 4BR - $1,569
5BR - $1,804 6BR - $2,039

Applications are available between the hours of 9:00am – 3:00pm Monday through Friday at the FHA’s main offices at 50 Day Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420. You may also obtain an application by mail by calling 978-342-5222 or emailing Applications can be downloaded from the FHA website Fitchburg Housing Authority. To request a reasonable accommodation or language assistance, please contact Roberta Kozak, Director of Leased Housing at 978-342-5222 (Ext. 121) or

All MRVP applications received will be placed on the FHA’s wait list by priority and preference in accordance with date and time of their receipt. The FHA’s preferences for the MRVP waiting list are local (live or work in Fitchburg) and homeless.

MRVP Application

For Additional Information About the MRVP visit:
Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) |

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